Displaying Ratings
Ratings provide a visual representation of a country’s performance on the SDG.
Click on a country to see its performance.
SDG achieved
Challenges remain
Significant challenges remain
Major challenges remain
Information unavailable
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Click on an indicator to visualize it on the map.
Maternal mortality ratio
Neonatal mortality rate
Mortality rate, under-5
Incidence of tuberculosis
New HIV infections
Age-standardized death rate due to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease in adults aged 30 to 70 years
Age-standardized death rate attributable to household air pollution and ambient air pollution
Traffic deaths
Life expectancy at birth
Adolescent fertility rate
Births attended by skilled health personnel
Surviving infants who received 2 WHO-recommended vaccines
Universal health coverage (UHC) index of service coverage
Subjective well-being
Diabetes prevalence
Age-standardized suicide rates
Age standardized prevelance of current tobacco smoking among persons aged 15 years or older