SDG 8 · Indicator

Adjusted GDP growth


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The growth rate of GDP adjusted to income levels (where rich countries are expected to grow less) and expressed relative to the average growth rate of high income countries. The growth rate over the last 3-year period (t-3 to t) was calculated where GRa=(At/At-3)^(1/3)-1 and where GRa is the growth rate for country A and At is the GDP per capita data for the year t in country A. Then our adjustment is as follows : ADJa= [GRa-(GRhic - 0,015*log(At-3/hict-3))] * 100, where GRhic is the average growth rate of high-income countries and hict-3 is the average GDP per capita of high-income countries three years ago.

Long-Term Objective

Average of best performers

The long-term objective for this indicator is a value of 5.


World Bank

Adjusted GDP growth